Artist Statement 

          The duende* that photography makes me feel no other form of art can do it. The reason I love photography is because it's the only way I can keep time frozen, it's the only way I can touch it, see it and feel it. Going through old pictures is like a free buffet of feelings AND Melancholy, Happiness & Sadness are the most popular dishes at this buffet... 

          Looking at old photographs of my loved ones, gatherings, trips and self-portraits makes me appreciate life even more, I love looking at the "old" me/us/them. That "AWWW" expression melts my heart, the "OMG!" is priceless and the classic "WHAT WAS I THINKING?" always makes me laugh. I'm what kids call "old school" (omg not me accepting I'm old) ANYWAY... I like vintage stuff and I find old methods intriguing so everytime a printed photograph (specially if I'm the one who developed it) is in my hands my heart fills with joy and sometimes even deeper feelings. I love that analogue photography has a romantic characteristic that makes everything dreamy and nostalgic and there's no more complex feeling than nostalgia.  In my personal experience photography has helped me grow in ways I didn't know it could. Believe or not; to love me, to accept me, to tolerate me hasn't been easy but the art of self expression has let me get to a point in my life where I'm content with who I am, my self-esteem grows, I feel like my life is more meaningful. We, humans are complicated but we all can learn from our younger self. I do recomend that when you look at an old picture of you try to see more than the surface, go deeper, try to see your heart. Make yourself remember how innocent and pure you were it will make you cringe! hahahaha jkjk well, it might but also and most important it will make  you feel wonders you will cherish and appreciate time to the fullest because we all are running out of it. kind of dark to end this paragraph with a sad feeling but yeah, time never stops, ironically hurry and enjoy it. 

*the mysterious power of art to deeply move a person.

Julio Piña

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